Perhaps you are the type of personality that just can’t get enough of work, whether it is hammering out that next grant application or publication or pipetting away at the lab bench. But it might surprise you that long hours do not equate to productivity! This coming year, give yourself some extra time to relax and recharge, because burnout is no fun. You’ll be a better scientist when you’re happier!
There’s nothing wrong with sneaking away to watch an episode of your favorite show or to play ping pong in the break room with your lab mates, but if you’re going to be in lab anyway while your assays or blots or whatever are running, you might as well be somewhat productive! We have some ideas for what you could be doing with your down time, from planning for the next few days to just taking some time to improve your state of mind.
Whenever school starts up again, you’ll see new undergrads, grad students, and postdocs as they integrate themselves into your lab group to enhance your collective science powers. While they bring their own experiences and expertise, you have your own set of special skills too, so let’s enhance collaboration and camaraderie by teaching the best lab and life skills you can! Here’s a rundown of how you can become a great mentor, something you can take with you when you’re done in this lab and move on to your next phase of your career.
With another trip around the sun behind you, you have yet another year of experience and knowledge to help you navigate the next solar excursion. Have a Happy New Year, and keep in touch!