Dec 28, 2022 12:00:00 PM       by Kin Leung

The Scientist’s New Year’s Resolutions

You know how it is this time of year, when you have to make some New Year’s resolutions to improve from this past year. The good news is that you can put off the actual execution of said resolutions until next year (since it’s only a few days away), and it is probably true that you won’t be able to keep some of them, but at least you can say you tried! Writing these down is a good way to keep a record and try to keep yourself accountable. Besides the normal ones about more exercise and losing weight, here are some science-associated suggestions for good resolutions that aren’t that hard to keep!


Aug 17, 2022 12:00:00 PM       by Kin Leung

How to Become a Great Scientific Mentor

If you are reading this, either having earned your first faculty position or about to embark on leading a huge project, congratulations! You have obviously demonstrated the creative problem solving and other skills needed to successfully carry out and complete a scientific study…but maybe you’re not confident in your ability to lead or mentor? I would argue that many experiences you have accumulated up to this point will help you become the best mentor you can be, so let’s get to it as you cultivate the next generation of great researchers!